About Kylie

I am a proud East Hills local and local community advocate, I’ve lived in the area for 35 years, and love the community here deeply. I raised my six kids here with my husband Graeme and have made so many connections with locals and the area.
Sport has always been a huge part of my life, from representing Australia on an international level with Touch Football, to setting up the Bankstown Touch Football Association, and now playing Netball for the NSW Parliamentary team. It has taught me so many valuable skills and about how important collaboration and cooperation are.
My work in the public service also taught me these valuable skills and started my interest in working for the community and serving it in anyway possible.
I’m also a passionate advocate for women’s rights and supporting East Hills women in any way possible. In 2021 I helped set up the Biyani House in Revesby, a women’s shelter for women and children needing emergency accommodation. I’m proud to have been a part of the team creating this shelter.
I am honoured to be the state member for East Hills, and I promise to continue to serve the community in parliament.